Do Analytics Bore You to Death?
“Understanding your audience and their preferences is the game changer in your marketing campaign. Ignoring analytics is like flying blind or throwing a thousand nets, hoping to catch a few fish.”
We get it, math and numbers can scare people off, and nobody wants to feel like just a faceless number or statistic.
But if you're willing to give it a chance, analytics can unlock a whole new level of understanding about your audience. In the marketing realm, this is huge.
It's like having a superpower to peek inside the minds of your followers, connections, or subscribers. You'll discover their likes, dislikes, and how they engage with your content.
Consider it as having your very own crystal ball for online success. Once you embrace the magic of analytics, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it.
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TDE Episode 12: Do Analytics Bore You to Death?
Analytics are not dull
Carl: You know, some people might find analytics dull, but they are an essential part of understanding and succeeding in the digital realm.
Anne: I guess that stems from people’s general disdain for math or numbers, or the reluctance to be just a number or a statistic. But if you can actually look past that, analytics provide valuable insights into your audience, their preferences, and how they engage with your content.
It’s like what my dad used to say to me: Math is pure and doesn’t lie. The only way it gets corrupted is when people play with the numbers.
So yeah, analytics, provide valuable insight about your market.
Carl: It's like peering into the minds of your followers, your connections, or your subscribers.
So, why is it important to go look at the data and numbers? For starters, analytics help us understand what content resonates with our audience. By analyzing data such as views, likes, and shares, we can see which videos are hitting the mark and which ones are falling flat. They’re not creating the desired impact or appeal that a creator is hoping for.
Anne: And by creator, we mean someone who’s creating content but doesn’t have to be doing content creation for a living. And these are usually the small business owners, solo entrepreneurs, coaches, professionals or just people who want to build a personal brand.
Impressions play a critical role
Carl: And it's not just about the views, impressions and reach also play a critical role. Impressions represent the number of times the content is displayed, while reach measures the unique number of individuals who see our content. We explain this in detail to our clients because helping them understand the difference between the two can help us (our team and the client) evaluate the content's visibility and effectiveness in reaching their target audience.
I want to mention the tools that are available to measure these insights and analytics. Because we’re not expected to churn out this data on our own or manually monitor and calculate these percentages. But what we need to do is to intelligently interpret them. What do the numbers say?
Anne: What do the numbers say…. You sound like a sports analyst! But that’s very true especially with anything that means something or is critical in nature.
Carl: So youTube itself provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard, and our account managers always have a field day with YouTube. This dashboard gives us access to data like audience demographics, watch time, and traffic sources. There are also third-party tools like Google Analytics and social media management platforms that offer even more in-depth analysis.
Anne: Oh no, this is where I geek out a lot. I love trackers and lists, sheets and project management tools. The latest one I geeked out about was Notion, and we’ll do an episode on project management tools in the near future.
So these tools help us track trends. We can also identify peak viewing times which helps us know what’s the optimal schedule for posting. And it’s all about assessing the impact of our marketing efforts.
Once we leverage these insights, we can make data-driven decisions to optimize our content strategy and ultimately grow our audience.
Now, data-driven can sound very intriguing for some, and intimidating for others. That’s duality and polarizing reaction, that’s very natural since anything that has to do with digital marketing is rarely ever in the middle.
Can you still survive today's marketing landscape without caring about analytics?
Carl: Now, let's address the big question: Can you still survive today's marketing landscape without caring about analytics?
Well, that's really a tough ask. Because in today's highly competitive digital landscape, understanding your audience and their preferences is crucial and can even be the game-changer in your marketing campaign. Ignoring analytics is like flying blind.
Anne: Or like throwing a thousand nets, hoping to catch a few fish.
Analytics empower us to refine our content strategy so that we’re not gambling with our content. We can tailor our messaging, and adapt to the digital landscape that’s always trending. It never sleeps, never ends.
If you’re willing to take your analytics seriously, you can identify new opportunities, spot potential areas of improvement, and ultimately maximize our reach and impact.
Carl: So if analytics bore you to death, once you start digging into the numbers, you'll appreciate more how it impacts not just your marketing but even your entire business model since you’ll be peeking into the demographics and even to some extent the psychographics of your target audience.
Outro: Thanks for listening to The Dklutr Effect. We hope you found this discussion on analytics enlightening and inspiring. If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. This is Team Dklutr, signing off. Take care, stay curious, bye for now!