Digital marketing and content creation can be a lot. Listen as Anne and Carl of Team Dklutr talk their hearts out to help you declutter your thoughts, untangle your ideas, and unleash your vision and creativity.

Hear about the marketing industry,
myths and mindset shifts, strategies and common struggles of businesses and digital creators from real-life client stories and actual experiences of these two endlessly curious agency owners.

New Episodes every Wednesday and Friday!

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Is Change REALLY Necessary?!

Podcasting, and even content creation, is not for the faint of heart. Putting yourself out there can be a mountain of an endeavor for most people. And we can’t blame you if you are feeling trepidatious towards creating content. Just look at us - it took us three years to have our own show, and we’ve already produced almost 2,500 episodes for all our clients combined, and counting.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Is It Still Profitable To Create And Sell A Digital Course in 2023?

In a world where value and student-centricity reign supreme, digital courses are not just sellable – they are a pathway to making a lasting impact while reaping the rewards of your expertise and passion. In this episode, let’s debunk the common misconception that “launching a digital course costs too much money. “

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

I'm Irreplaceable... Or Am I?

AI is not just a tool; it's a game-changer in the digital marketing sphere, offering innovative solutions that redefine how brands connect with their audiences and drive higher conversion rates.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

The First Employee Dilemma: 7 Vital Questions to Consider

There are seven key questions that every business owner and digital creator should consider before taking the plunge. So, if you're thinking about expanding your team, grab your notepad and get ready to learn how to make a worthy and strategic hire!

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Unlocking the Power of “They Ask, You Answer”

Why Be Customer-Centric?

Trust-Building: Customers are more likely to engage with brands they trust. By addressing their questions and concerns transparently, you foster trust from the get-go.

Loyalty: Happy customers become loyal customers. When you consistently provide valuable content and solutions, you create long-lasting relationships.

Differentiation: Standing out in a crowded marketplace is challenging. Being customer-centric sets you apart as a brand that truly cares about its audience.

Data-Driven Insights: By listening to what your customers are asking, you gain invaluable insights into their needs and preferences, shaping your strategy for success

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Learn It 'Til You Nail It!

No matter what your approach is in business, remember, change doesn't happen overnight. But with dedication, authenticity, and a thirst for growth, we can all journey towards mastery and lasting achievement.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

The Power of Cats and Dogs on Social

If you're sitting there scratching your head, wondering what on earth to post next, don't sweat it. We've got your back. We know that dreaded feeling of being totally stuck in a content rut. But fear not, because we've got a few *suitable* suggestions that might just shake those creative cobwebs loose.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Are These 4 Things the Building Blocks for Business Growth?

We’ve grown this business and turned it from a single VA working in the gig economy to an actual, full-fledged, fully registered agency. About 95% or 98% of our business has been through referral and continues to grow till this day.

So how do we manage to scale our business, not just by number of clients but by expanding our offerings? These four building blocks certainly helped!

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Why 'Atomic Habits' Didn't Work For Me...

Anne and Carl are self-confessed bookworms and self-help enthusiasts. This episode dives deep into how the principles from "Atomic Habits" or any other self-help gem should be put into action.

It's time to rewrite the script of your life, one habit at a time.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

The Battle for the Best Project Management Apps

Let's dive into the wonderful world of project management. It's like having a superhero sidekick for businesses, no matter how big or small. And for small businesses, it's like adding a sprinkle of magic to your operations, bringing structure and clarity to the chaos.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Do Analytics Bore You to Death?

It's like having a superpower to peek inside the minds of your followers, connections, or subscribers. You'll discover their likes, dislikes, and how they engage with your content.

Consider it as having your very own crystal ball for online success. Once you embrace the magic of analytics, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

5 Things I Learned as a VA

As a virtual assistant, my journey has been filled with valuable lessons that have shaped me both personally and professionally. Working remotely has its unique challenges and opportunities, and throughout my experience, I gained insights that have been highly impactful and enlightening for me. I felt that I have grown more since then and put up a podcasting team with my husband and another partner, which eventually became this digital marketing agency.

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Engage or Alienate? Building Your Following the Right Way

Groove with your followers. Have a laugh together. And create lasting connections. By combining effort + authenticity, you can foster a loyal following. And the best part is you become more than just a content provider; you become a real human being who's interested in their thoughts, opinions, and experiences. People love being heard, and they'll reward you with their unwavering loyalty!

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Team Dklutr Team Dklutr

Introducing: The Armada

An armada is a fleet of ships that is sent out to conquer. In short, it gets the job done.

And that’s precisely what Team Dklutr is. They set sail to unchartered waters, find land, plant their flag, and the rest is history.

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