Why 'Atomic Habits' Didn't Work For Me...

When you get to the part where your mind and body adjust to a certain discipline, you’ll be amazed with the results.
— Carl, Team Dklutr

Anne and Carl are self-confessed bookworms and self-help enthusiasts. This episode dives deep into how the principles from "Atomic Habits" or any other self-help gem should be put into action.

It's time to rewrite the script of your life, one habit at a time.

How did you find this book? Did the principles work for you? Was it life-changing? If not, do you want another go at it?

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TDE Episode 14: Why 'Atomic Habits' Didn't Work For Me...

Power of Atomic Habits

Carl: Today, we're diving into a topic that many of you might resonate with: 'Atomic Habits', the internationally best-selling book by James Clear.

We’re not necessarily unfolding the pages of 'Atomic Habits', but instead, Anne has a confession to make.

Anne: Confession makes it sound like I did something wrong! But yes, I do have something to fess up.

But before that, a recognition of James’ book. 

'Atomic Habits' has gained immense popularity for its practical approach to habit formation and its potential to transform our lives. It’s life-transforming. The book delves into the power of small, incremental changes and how they can lead to significant long-term results.

Carl: For those who haven't read it, let's give a brief essence of the book. 'Atomic Habits' emphasizes the idea that success is not about radical overnight transformations but rather about making small, consistent improvements. It introduces the concept of "habit stacking" and provides a framework for breaking bad habits and building good ones.

So habit stacking is one of the best ways to build a new habit. So what you do is you identify a current habit that you already do each day and then add or “stack” your new behavior on top of it.

And millions of people found this to be effective - and that’s the reason why James Clear became an international bestseller. It’s because linking habits together is a way of getting more done but quicker or with less time. And the result is mostly a positive change in your life.

Because as you perform the stacked actions every day, they become part of your daily routine.

Anne: One of our clients gifted me the Kindle version and you even bought me the paperback.

However, I have to admit that initially, 'Atomic Habits' didn't work for me. Why? Well, it wasn't because the book lacked value or didn't provide actionable strategies. It was because I didn't fully follow through with implementing its principles. Okay? There, I said it. I lacked follow-through.

Apply it with Commitment

Carl: That's an honest admission. Many times, we read self-help books with great enthusiasm but struggle to apply their teachings to our lives consistently. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new ideas, but without commitment and practice, they remain mere concepts.

Anne: Exactly. So, I've decided to give 'Atomic Habits' another chance. I plan to read it again, but this time, I'm committed to applying its principles to the core of my life. 

I have to make a realistic effort to insert or integrate the concepts into my daily routine and habits. And this should have worked for me because I’m a creature of habit. But back then I guess I lacked the discipline and motivation to start, and then I felt bad for not following through with it. So yeah, I’ll make the commitment.

Carl: That's a great approach, Anne. I benefited from Atomic Habits and habit-stacking, especially with my daily disciplines which has translated to practical things in my life like my diet, exercise, and of course how I try to continuously enrich and improve myself and invest in myself through research and self-studying.

The key takeaway here is that if you want 'Atomic Habits' or any self-help book to work for you, you have to wholeheartedly believe in the concept and be ready to commit to it. It's not enough to read it once and expect miraculous changes. You need to actively apply the principles and make them a part of your lifestyle.

Anne: And now that this episode is out in the open for the public to hear, I am fully accountable for seeing things through. Because if you approach it half-heartedly or without true belief, it's just another book sitting on your shelf, collecting dust. But if you embrace the ideas, commit to consistent action, and make them a fundamental part of your life, then 'Atomic Habits' has the potential to create lasting transformation.

Carl: So what areas of your life do you feel like you can apply the book’s philosophy and concept?

Anne: Well, off the top of my head, it’s my work schedule and making sure I don’t work too much, because I can get so immersed in my work that I don’t even realize I haven’t stood up for more than 2 hours. And also meal prep - how I prepare our meals and how I approach the way I work out. But of course, I have to read the book again first!

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