Itching to Be Bitten by the Writing Bug?

Effective content writing has a huge role in creating a memorable brand image and building a loyal following.
— Carl, Team Dklutr

Ah, that dreaded moment when inspiration seems to be playing hide-and-seek, no matter how hard we prepare ourselves. Also known as the evil “writer’s block!” We go through our routines, mentally psyching ourselves up or setting up our surroundings to create the perfect writing atmosphere. Yet, sometimes it feels like the elusive writing bug is simply refusing to take a nibble.

Let's face it, when that burst of inspiration fails to make an appearance, we may find ourselves in a pickle. It's like a game of words gone awry, leaving us staring at a blank page with a twinge of frustration, or in Anne’s own words, the bane of her existence!

But fear not - writer's block is a common foe. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or simply have a writing role as part of your job description, we've got your back. Let’s unravel some simple and quick fixes to reignite that creative flow.

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TDE Episode 6: Itching to Be Bitten by the Writing Bug?

Writing is a multiplier for business

Writing is a seriously undervalued skill that most people either hate or take for granted. But it’s one of those things that add color, flair, and flavor to life.

Technical writing is important and of course functional, and journalism will always, always, always have its place in the world, no matter what others say. But not just writing as a professional skill, but creative writing as well.

And in digital marketing, we can say that content writing is integral in that it propels your entire content plan forward.

A simple podcast or YouTube script or outline can be repurposed in a myriad of ways, from long-form to short-form content, and it can have a multiplier effect on your marketing funnel.

Carl: I actually like going through my inbox every morning and reading the weekly newsletters, it’s like my dad’s or grandfather’s version of reading the newspaper over breakfast. Just a sample of the multiplier effect of content writing.

And that’s why here in Dklutr, we have seasoned content writers that identify with the client’s tone and voice of writing.

We were able to develop and train individuals to make sure that we get close to what the client wanted in terms of coming up with good content. Again, the focal point of writing is a multiplier for business.

When the writing bug just won’t bite!

Anne: But there comes a point for every writer where they experience what we call the dreaded writer’s block. It’s that moment where you can’t seem to find inspiration even after you go through your routine to prepare yourself - if you ever have any. You prep yourself mentally, or if you’re a sensory person, you adjust your surroundings to fit your writing mood.

But sometimes, it just feels like the writing bug just won’t bite.

Carl: What’s worse is that because you don’t find that burst of inspiration, what happens is you might end up not writing at all.

So since writer's block can be a frustrating and common challenge for many writers - or even if you’re not a full-fledged writer but you have a writing role as part of your KRA, we want to run through some of the things we do personally or we’ve seen other people do to try to combat writer's block and help regain that creative flow.

Anne: Wait, I noticed you said “try” to combat writer's block, and then the other one is “help” regain that flow.

I think that’s an important distinction to make since you can only try to help spark that inspiration. You can’t really induce it, same way as you can’t force someone to paint or create art if they’re not in that frame of mind.

Carl: I know so because I’m no artist myself but I do write from time to time and sometimes if you don’t get that writing groove, it’ll take you hours to write something that maybe you could’ve finished in 30 to 45 minutes.

Okay, so the first thing we’ve seen people do is freewriting or setting a timer for like 10 or 15 minutes, and write continuously without worrying about the technicalities of it all, like grammar, structure, or coherence.

Just let your thoughts flow naturally and write whatever comes to mind.

This exercise is good to do because it helps bypass your inner critic and jumpstart your creativity.

Anne: That’s a good one. Grammar is a crucible for me because I can get really strict and granular with my approach, and it can drag the process of creativity. I agree with that one.

Another strategy that I think can work for people who are goal-oriented like myself is to set realistic goals.

One way I do this is by breaking down your writing project into smaller, manageable tasks. Because by setting achievable goals, you’re not going to feel as overwhelmed.

Then for habit stackers like me, this next strategy can feel uncomfortable at first, but it can also do wonders for your creative process.

Try changing up your routine.

Sometimes, writer's block can occur due to a monotonous routine. But by changing up your daily schedule or writing routine, maybe writing at a different time of day, or changing up your activities, trying out new rituals to create a sense of excitement and break the pattern.

Carl: Making certain changes can ignite that creative spark.

But it can also disrupt your flow even more.

So if you’re more of a person that thrives with routines, plans, to-do lists and order, start with an outline.

For me, I find that outlining my thoughts to paint a picture helps present the concepts or message I want to convey.

A good exercise would be thinking of yourself as a director of a movie, you can choose different styles and approaches in giving excitement for your readers.

I remember the movie Memento…

Anne: I have to say I haven’t seen that movie. Making a mental note to add it to my watchlist.

The thing I love most about writing is the storytelling aspect.

We’re all naturally drawn to stories - whether telling them or listening to them. And that’s just what content does - it allows you to incorporate storytelling elements into your content so it becomes more engaging and memorable.

I love weaving narratives, I like using anecdotes, and when writing I try my best to always interject relatable examples.

Carl: Yeah because you want to create a connection with your audience and leave a lasting impact. That’s the entire point of the storytelling piece of writing.

Anne: You want to elicit a reaction from your reader or audience. Ignite a certain type of emotion - whether negative or positive…

Carl: And tickling their brains to think about the “what ifs” or “what could have been” when writing.

In digital marketing, it’s a race to create engaging content, which is essential for attracting and retaining an audience.

Good content writing captures attention.

Anne: Also maintains interest. Readers will be more encouraged to consume.

Carl: And effective content writing also has a huge role in creating a memorable brand image and building a loyal following. This brings me to my last point - generative AI.

Let your creativity shine!

Anne: I have to be honest I went through all sorts of feelings with my first encounter with AI.

Is this going to be the ultimate industry killer for writers, artists and creators?

How will this impact digital marketing and its “cousin” industries?

How will this affect education and true thought leadership?

For now, at least, AI is a helpful tool to give prompts - just prompts - since we still write our material ourselves and even for the majority of our clients.

AI is an efficiency driver, not a creativity driver.

And so to my fellow pen warriors - whether you’re a professional writer, you write for a living, or you write as a “loving” or for passion, our final words: embrace imperfection.

Perfectionism often contributes to writer's block. Remember that first drafts don't have to be flawless, and editing is a separate stage of the writing process.

Give yourself permission to write imperfectly and focus on getting your ideas onto the page.

Let your ideas flow and your creativity shine, and you’ll see the rest will be writing magic.

Team Dklutr

We help speakers, coaches, and authors to reclaim their time and amplify their reach through digital marketing

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